Geek Reading February 9, 2016 #1038

Leading our day is a post by Mark Suster on Bothsides of the Table. He talks about the resetting of the startup industry, which is interesting reading if you are trying to get your own startup funded. Gil Zilberfeld gives us an entertaining post about “estimate theater”. With a dialogue, he tries to get to the root of the problem with a team’s estimates. On Solve for Interesting, we get an excellent post on the future of Google Inbox and how it could challenge the other personal AI systems like Siri, Cortana and Echo.

As always, enjoy today’s items, and please participate in the discussions on these sites.

Startups, Career and Process

Design and Development

AI, Machine Learning, Research and Advanced Algorithms

Big Data, Visualization, SQL and NoSQL

Infrastructure, Operations and DevOps

Security, Encryption and Cryptography

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