Geek Reading July 17, 2016 #1150

This is a special Sunday edition of Geek Reading for one simple reason. I am taking a break from posting Geek Reading for a while. Life and work are always very busy and I am hoping to get back to writing again. Maybe in the near future I will post an original article or opinion, and get back to what I really enjoyed but haven’t had time for lately. Geek Reading will probably reappear eventually, but I have to think about the right direction for it. Thanks to everyone who has been reading and sharing Geek Reading for the past few years!

As always, enjoy today’s items, and please participate in the discussions on these sites.

Startups, Career and Process

Design and Development

Concurrency, Performance and Scalability

AI, Machine Learning, Research and Advanced Algorithms

Big Data, Visualization, SQL and NoSQL

Infrastructure, Operations and DevOps

Security, Encryption and Cryptography

Link Collections

4 thoughts on “Geek Reading July 17, 2016 #1150

  1. Hey Robert,

    I’m sad to hear that you’ll be taking a break from Geek Reading – it’s probably the best software-industry-related link collection on the web and it has become my main source of morning reading material – I’ll miss it.

    Thank you so much for the effort you’ve put in over the years, and I look forward to whatever comes next from you. I’m sure it will be great.



    1. James,

      Thank you so much for the kind words, I really appreciate it. I’m not sure it was the “best” but I always hoped it was useful to people.



  2. I second what James wrote above. Not to pressure a fellow “developer dad”, but I still haven’t found a comparable replacement! I hope all is well and that Geek Reading makes a comeback.


    1. Jeremy,

      It is always good to hear from people about what they liked, so thank you for the comment. I am sure there is a reasonable replacement for Geek Reading, but link blogs do not get much love or support from Google and other sites.


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