Geek Reading July 7, 2016 #1143

It was another slow news day, but there is always something interesting to read. First, High Scalability gives us an interesting post on Machine Learning Driven Programming. This is really a post on the directions that companies like Google and Facebook are going, with deep learning replacing whole subsystems. At Ayende @ Rahien, we get the continuation of the database internals series. Today’s installment talks about faster durability, essentially getting your data to disk as fast as possible. On DZone Agile, we get a recruiter’s take on the perfect developer resume. It is more about the structure of the resume, not the technical details since those can change frequently. There are no real surprises, but maybe it helps clean yours up a little.

As always, enjoy today’s items, and please participate in the discussions on these sites.

Startups, Career and Process

Design and Development

Concurrency, Performance and Scalability

AI, Machine Learning, Research and Advanced Algorithms

Big Data, Visualization, SQL and NoSQL

Infrastructure, Operations and DevOps

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